Digitally Captured Signature Analysis

Digitally Captured Signature Analysis

When Traditional Meets Innovation

Over the last decade the world has become increasingly paperless and, as part of this transition, documents are being signed in increasingly virtual settings.

While most people are familiar with click-to-sign solutions, another common solution is what are known as Digitally Captured Signatures.  Digitally Captured Signatures are captured with a pen or stylus and may record not only an image of the signature, but also raw signature data including acceleration/deceleration, sequences of strokes, timing, and force applied.

While traditional signature comparison techniques do apply to the examination of the image of Digitally Captured Signature, Forensic Document Examiners can also analyze the raw signature data in order to examine finer detail about how the signature was produced.

While every time someone signs their signature it is going to naturally be slightly different, research into Digitally Captured Signatures has shown that careful analysis of the underlying data can provide additional evidence for verifying authorship.

We at KDX Forensics are experienced in the examination of Digitally Captured Signatures and are proud to be an industry leader in understanding this technology.

“We brought KDX in to advise our company about the various digital signature solutions that that are out there. Their knowledge of the technology really helped illustrate to us the legal and forensic complexities that need to be considered before implementing a solution.”

Prior KDX Client
Digitally Captured Signature Analysis

“A simple signature may represent thousands or even millions of dollars, and when each of the strokes of a few letters if genuine may represent tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, it is natural that every minute phase of this small production of the human hand and the human brain should be studied and scrutinized in every possible way.”

Albert S. Osborn, Father of Forensic Document Examination